Nokia N8 cpu underclocked at 192 MHz not 680 MHz!!!

Many mobile phone reviews that listed the specification of the Nokia n8 mobile phone mentioned that the Nokia n8 CPU was clocked to 680 Mhz of pure processing power.Well there is a new handy application that is called X-plore and shows your devices serial number,total memory,free memory and cpu speed.I installed the app and then launched it and I found some interesting info for my device.I saw that the CPU clock speed was set to 192 MHz and Nokia did say it was clocked to 680 MHz. Is that right?

You got to understand that the CPU clock speed of the processor only reaches near 680 Mhz when its needed.It all depends on what you are doing for example if you are running about 4 application at once then the Nokia N8 CPU clock speed will increase.If your listening to some music or taking pictures then the CPU clock speed will be reduced to save more battery life.

I took a screen shot to show you that it really did say 192 MHz.

There is an application called PhoNetInfo which tells the actual CPU speed as it just tells the speed specified on the chip. Just Google for it and have it installed to try it.

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